Save the date – Saturday morning the 22nd October.

The Limelight is taking part in the City of Wanneroo “Garage Sale Trail”!

Please  come along and be part of our sale, and don’t forget to check out what else is for sale around Wanneroo.

If you can offer any assistance on the Saturday, or perhaps even on the Friday with getting ready for the sale, or if you have any goods you’d like to donate, please contact us using the form below.

11 + 12 =


Limelight Theatre productions would not be possible without the generosity of the community, its dedicated members and financial support from its sponsors

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Where to Find Us

Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065

Next to Aquamotion

Opposite the War Memorial

Postal Address

Wanneroo Repertory Inc

PO Box 77

Wanneroo 6946

ABN: 21 028 417 969

Limelight Theatre

The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.