Audition Notice for Let The Sunshine

Limelight Theatre’s production of “Let The Sunshine”, a David Williamson play, will be presented in August.

Auditions will be group based to explore interactions between characters. The roles of Rick and Emma will be done from 1:15 – 1:45. Toby/Ros and Ron/Natasha will be done in various groupings from 2:00pm.

Details of audition piece will be given at the read through.

TOBY, 60.
ROS, mid 50s. His wife.
RICK, 30. Their son.
RON, late 50s.
NATASHA, late 50s. His wife.
EMMA, 34. Their daughter.

For more information contact Tim Riessen using the box below.

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Wanneroo Repertory Inc

PO Box 77

Wanneroo 6946

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