Hi Everyone,
I hope you all saw “It Runs in the Family” – what a delightful romp! Although farce is not usually my thing, I thoroughly enjoyed this production on the final night with a very appreciative audience. The energy and fun that the members on stage were emitting was infectious and engaging. Thank you all for a wonderful night’s entertainment!
So now, for something completely different, we gear up for our next productio
n – “Greenwicks!” a musical set in a supermarket! Bookings will open very soon, so don’t delay getting your tickets.
Hot on the heels of “Greenwicks!” will be Mater Dei’s production of “Grease”. This is our first joint venture with Mater Dei College and I hope it will not be our last. The young people that these productions bring into our theatre are the future of Wanneroo Repertory, so please support both of these musical presentations.
The first meeting of our new committee in April was a lively one with each member showing their commitment to the future smooth running of our wonderful Limelight Theatre; we are fortunate indeed to have this excellent facility. However, even though we have already made this commitment, the theatre is only as strong as its membership and I hope that when asked, other members will step in and volunteer for the many jobs in our organisation.All the best
Shelley McGinn
President’s Spot
Limelight Theatre productions would not be possible without the generosity of the community, its dedicated members and financial support from its sponsors
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Where to Find Us
Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN: 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.