FOR JUNE our superstar is Pat McGinn!
Pat joined Wanneroo Repertory with his late wife Ann in 1982 when one day they stumbled upon the former Wanneroo Scout Hut at the Showgrounds and upon entering the “shed” found Kevin Lofthouse and Peter Lane, (both founding members and now sadly passed away), involved in constructing theatre flats and scenery for the next show for Wanneroo Repertory. “Were we interested in becoming involved with local community theatre?” they asked. The rest, as they say, is history.
Pat joined up immediately and his first duty for that show, played at The Civic Centre, was – guess what – Front of House! He was also heavily involved with the construction of the Limelight Theatre and was also involved on stage with productions both at the Civic Centre and Limelight, appearing on stage in Guys and Dolls, Music and Memories, Follies, Dracula Spectacula, Sister Bonaventure, King Tide Running and “probably others that I have forgotten!”
Early on, he stage managed a few shows and worked backstage and remembers fondly stage managing The Wizard of Oz with, (in the Civic Centre), “a 15-year-old Lisa McCune playing Dorothy and my big strapping 13-year-old son Kevin, as King of the Munchkins!” Other great memories Pat recalls are hosting the ITA One Act Drama Festival in the Civic Centre at Wanneroo Rep’s 10th Birthday and the opening of the Limelight with all the attendant pomp and ceremony and the obligatory dignitaries in attendance.
“I soon became aware that being a male and although I loved to sing (still do), singing, moving and remembering lines at the same time was not really my cup of tea (just ask Polly Waugh!)” In later years Pat took great enjoyment in operating sound and absolutely loved being involved front of house (which used to be under the stairs in the Limelight before the foyer was built! “Me and Debby Ainslie, what a team!” He has enjoyed both these positions for many, many years, and still does.
Pat’s only adventure “back on the boards” was recently being coaxed by Shelley to appear in The Grand Old Time Music Hall in 2016 when he enjoyed the singing immensely but still had big problems with movement! “Luckily,” he says, “there was enough great talent on stage for me to hide behind!”
“I realise that back when I joined Wanneroo Repertory, that was what you did, you “joined” a club. However, over time the concept of belonging to a theatre club has changed and nowadays people join to use the theatre space, show off their talents and move on to the next show when finished. That’s progress I suppose, but I still hanker for the old days when you were part of a large group with a common purpose all working to the same ends. There are, and always will be, “core” memberships to see the running of the club continue into the future, but being old fashioned, I still miss the “club” atmosphere and the many social get togethers we used to have. We were just like “family”.”
Taking on the role of Theatre Maintenance Manager this year is another personal achievement for Pat. He claims he is still easing into the role, but with Wally Fry to guide him he feels he couldn’t have a better teacher. “The most challenging thing about the role is finding interested volunteers to complete necessary maintenance on a building as old as the Limelight. The small band of the “Tuesday Workforce” is amazing, nothing is too much trouble for them to do, but with such a small group things do take time.”
Wanneroo Repertory has provided Pat with many years of enjoyment as a pastime and hobby, “I don’t know how many hours I have spent there, must be in the thousands, it has literally become part of my life!” He has enjoyed good and bad times, (but mainly good), met some good and bad people, (but mainly good) and hopes his involvement continues for many years into the future.