A Special General Meeting of members will be held at the Limelight Theatre, Civic Drive, on Monday 4th December 2017, commencing 7.30pm.
The purposes of the meeting are to:
i.  Accept the new Rules of the Association (formerly known as the Constitution) as required under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 ;
ii.  Accept the By Laws (formerly known as the Standing Orders) which define the procedures members of the Association should follow; and
iii.  Approve the Proposed Committee/Management Team Structure to take effect from the 2018 Annual General Meeting.
It’s important that all financial members attend as this is your opportunity to say how the Repertory should be managed. Attendance by no less than 25 financial members will be required for a quorum at this meeting.
The agenda and relevant documents can be downloaded by clicking on each of the links below:
Current Constitution (last updated March 2013)
Proposed Rules of Association
Summary of Changes
Proposed Committee/Management Team Structure
Proposed Committee Roles and Key Responsibilities