Hello members & friends

The Limelight theatre is very busy bouncing from one production to the next this August! No sooner had “Fairy Tale” left the premises than Playlovers bumped in with “Side by Side by Sondheim”. This was our first collaboration with Playlovers and audiences were very impressed with the stand-ard of production, presentation and singers – a very professional job well done. And now, hot on the heels of their bump out, enter Wan-neroo Secondary College with their production of “Shrek” – the junior version. This will be a very short season and you will need to con-tact the school for bookings. When they vacate, our first ever Shake-spearian play, “Romeo and Juliet” will be stage at the end of Septem-ber and into October. The bookings for this production are already under way and proving very popular with both our audiences and local high schools.
We are really pleased to be able to open up our theatre to other groups and schools, making it truly a community theatre. It’s not al-ways easy to program for these extra events, but it has certainly proved to be a popular addition to our year’s calendar.
Currently our reading committee are hard at work reading a varie-ty of submissions for 2019 and we hope to be able to announce the program towards the end of September. So if you haven’t submitted yet and wish to do so, please do not delay!
Finally on a personal note, thank you members and friends for your kind wishes and sympathy on the passing of my mother. She was 96 and lived a full an interesting life and she will certainly be missed by those who knew her. RIP



Limelight Theatre productions would not be possible without the generosity of the community, its dedicated members and financial support from its sponsors

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Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065

Next to Aquamotion

Opposite the War Memorial

Postal Address

Wanneroo Repertory Inc

PO Box 77

Wanneroo 6946

ABN: 21 028 417 969

Limelight Theatre

The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.