Cast Announcement

The Limelight Theatre’s opening night for “Puss In Boots” will be November 21st.

Directed by Shelley McGinn

Cast List


Zoe Anderson
Princess Esmerelda
Sarah McDonald
Andrew Govey
Grimbab the Ogre
Zavier Wileman
Luis Proctor
Eleanor Mulder
Christine Smith
Fairy Priscilla
Gwen Browning
Isaac McAuley
Beau Poole
RJ Smolders
King Wally
Jason Pearce
Chris McCafferty

Adult Ensemble

Naomi Kinsella

Joanne Anderson

Morag Jones

Alfie Jones

Bella Freeman

Helen Smolders

Sonia Lowe

Lyra Telfer

Children’s Ensemble

Zoe King

Abigail King

James Lowe

Karli Kinsella

Ada Mulder

Feature Dancers

Milly Elder

Kenzie Vitalich

Kyra Havel

Isabella Lemmon

1 Comment

  1. When will you be taking bookings for Puss in Boots please . I’d like 3 tickets on Saturday 23 November at 7.30pm please. (I’ll be in hospital from 2 September)

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