Cast Announcement – Alice by Heart

Cast Announcement

The Limelight Theatre’s opening night for “Alice by Heart” will be May 8th.

Directed by Naomi Capon

Cast List

Alice: Ella McCaughey
Alfred: Blair Price-Morgan
Cheshire: Zoe Violet
Queen of Hearts: Brittany Isaia
Caterpillar: Joshua Hollander
Dr. Butridge: Natalie Wiles
Mad Hatter: Alicia Lori
Dormouse: Artorius Emanuel
Duchess: Luca Daniel
Clarissa: Sophie Boyland
Knaves/Ensemble: Jane Anderson, Kayla Rollason, Ava Scullion
Indigo Grace: Eliza Sear-Rig



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Wanneroo Repertory Inc

PO Box 77

Wanneroo 6946

ABN: 21 028 417 969

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