Hi Everyone,
Another month, another newsletter and another production in rehearsal ready to open on the 23rd February!
“Moonlight & Magnolias” is rehearsing 3 times a week to be ready for their opening—and things are looking very good! So please, don’t delay your booking, especially as this is only an eight performance production. Following the success of our afternoon tea matinee last month, we will be including a Sunday performance on the 26th which will culminate with afternoon tea! At just an additional $5 to your ticket price, it will be well worth this small investment!
Next month we will be holding our Annual General Meeting on the 29th March. In the next few days you will receive another email (or postal delivery) with all of the details of the positions to be declared vacant and what you or your nominees need to do to be part of our Committee in 2017/2018.
If we are to get a true indication of what the membership as a whole would like to see as the structure of the committee, it is imperative that you are there to cast your vote, as our constitution does not allow for proxy votes.
Something else to bear in mind is that you must be a financial member in order to vote. This therefore excludes our “E-News only” members. As direct payment through the website is not currently possible, you can make a direct payment to (BSB 086 412 Account no. 838458234 using your full name in the reference line); membership subscriptions will also be accepted on the night of the AGM, up to the convening of the meeting.
From the Acting President – February 2017
Limelight Theatre productions would not be possible without the generosity of the community, its dedicated members and financial support from its sponsors
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Where to Find Us
Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN: 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.