Each month we like to spotlight one of the members of the Limelight Theatre community. This month, meet Gwen Browning, one of the Wanneroo Rep’s longest serving current members!
Gwen was born in the UK and was introduced to theatre “as soon as she could sit in a seat”. Her parents were both avid theatre goers and Gwen recalls the enthralling visits to the Bristol Hippodrome to see the pantomimes at Christmas and later to The Old Vic.
She joined the Weston-super-Mare Players and the Weston-super-Mare Operatic Society and was involved in many productions before emigrating to Australia in 1982. “When I arrived in Perth, I wanted to find a club to join. I asked around and a friend of a friend gave me Murray Dearle’s phone number. I rang him and Wanneroo Rep were holding auditions in the shed on that Sunday. So, I went along and got into the chorus of “Puss in Boots”.
Never a one to do things by half, Gwen became a member of the Committee, a position she held for nearly every year until taking on the role of Publicity, then Secretary and then President for four years. “I think I’ve participated in every aspect of the theatre over the years both on and off stage, except lighting, which terrifies me!”
Gwen’s been involved with too many productions to list. Her favourites include The Anniversary, Calendar Girls and Noises Off. More recently, 2016’s Old Time Music Hall was the best fun she’s had in years. At the annual Limelight Awards, Gwen has won three Best Actor Awards for Sister Bonaventure (1992), A Pack of Lies (2004), Calendar Girls (2013) and two Best Supporting Actor Awards for Gigi (1996) and The Darling Buds of May (2015). Gwen also won the Best Actress Award at the State Theatre Drama Festival in 1995.
Although Gwen originally started as a performer, in more recent years she has explored other theatrical positions – in particular, directing. ‘As you get older there are fewer roles available,’ she explains. ‘So, I turned to directing and was surprised to find how rewarding it is.’ Gwen won Best Production for Talking Heads in 2012 and Best Technical Award for Speaking in Tongues in 2015.
In the future, Gwen hopes to keep performing. ‘I really enjoy cameo roles which require solid characterisation. I am sure I will return to directing when I find the right play.’
Gwen has found the theatre has been a wonderful source of friendship over the years. ‘I love the way it provides a vehicle for interaction between all age groups. And it’s great to watch the young talent develop and grow!’