Latest News

Updates to the 2018 Program
Please note that there have been some changes to the 2018 Limelight Theatre program. We have recently been informed that The Lady Killers is...

Spotlight on Amy Sales
Each month we like to spotlight one of the members of the Limelight Theatre community. This month, meet one of our newer members, Amy Sales, who...

Death of a Salesman
Willy Loman has been a traveling salesman all his life. Although Willy has worked hard, his family has always lived on the edge of poverty, while he...

Booking Officer Needed!
We are looking for someone to take on the task of Bookings Officer from March 2018. Carol Binks has been a wonderful bookings lady for several...

A Princess Dream
Princess Harmony Freya BeadleFairy Sparkle Aleisha ArcherPrincess Ariel Amy SalesPrincess Cinderella Beth TandyPrincess Belle Erin BarrettQueen Elsa...

Spotlight on Maddy and David
Each month we like to spotlight one of the members of the Limelight Theatre community. This month, however, we would like to feature two members who...

The Wedding Singer – Additional performance!
Due to an incredible audience turn out, the cast and crew for The Wedding Singer have decided to put on an additional performance! Wednesday, the...

Special General Meeting – Monday 4th December 2017
A Special General Meeting of members will be held at the Limelight Theatre, Civic Drive, on Monday 4th December 2017, commencing 7.30pm. The...

2018 Season
Jan 19-21 A Princess Dream Glass Slipper Productions in conjunction with Wanneroo Rep Mar 8-17 Death of a Salesman Directed by Kathleen...

Spotlight on Jen Edwards
Each month we like to spotlight one of the members of the Limelight Theatre community. This month, meet Jen Edwards, Member of Many Hats - committee...

Spotlight on Jacob Turner
Each month we like to spotlight one of the members of the Limelight Theatre community. This month, meet the director of ‘Pygmalion’,...

ITA Sundowner
Limelight is very excited to be hosting the ITA Sundowner in October.... and we will have EFTPOS facilities then as well!
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Where to Find Us
Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN: 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.