Latest News

Spotlight on Ros Guye
Each month this year we are aiming to shine the spotlight on a Wanneroo Repertory member who deserves a big shout out for their hard work and...

New Committee elected at the AGM
Congratulations to the new Committee Members and other position holders elected at our AGM on 29th March: Committee Members President ...

Audition Notice for Let The Sunshine
Limelight Theatre's production of "Let The Sunshine", a David Williamson play, will be presented in August. Auditions will be group based to explore...

The Wedding Singer
The Wedding Singer Musical with music by Matthew Sklar and lyrics by Chad Beguelin. *Additional performance date: 6th December* The musical revolves...

Have your say!
We only truly exist as a theatre if we have patrons, and if we are not providing what our patrons want, then we simply won’t survive! So, do you...

Audition for Greenwicks!
Actors, singers and dancers are encouraged to audition on Sat 1st April, 10am—2pm (10 minute slots) at Wanneroo Secondary College, Performing Arts...

The Folkin Bogans
Saturday 18th March 2017, 7.30pm to 10.30pm. ”For one night only at the Limelight Theatre Saturday 18th March 2017 three incredibly talented sisters...

Annual Awards 2017: On the Red Carpet
Our “night of nights” was a wonderful success and after the nominations were read, the following people and productions were awarded. Individual...

Audition Notice – It Runs In The Family
“It Runs In The Family” A madcap farce set in a hospital. Written by Ray Cooney and directed by Susan Vincent. Audition will be held on Sunday 5th...

AGM – Save the date!
Hello Members As promised in the February newsletter,we have now published the documents needed for you to nominate your candidates for the...

Let the Sunshine
“Let the Sunshine” What happens when people of widely different political views are forced to co-exist? Toby, a maker of hard-hitting documentaries,...

July Special
A Special Evening of Entertainment Saturday 8th July 2017. Come on down for a Karaoke Night with 'Songs from the Shows'. $5 entry, pay at the door...

“Grease" - The High School Musical By Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey. Performed by the students of Mater Dei College. PERFORMANCE DATES Thursday...

“Greenwicks” A modern day musical comedy set in a grocery store. Written by by James Marzec and John McPherson. Directed by John McPherson....
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Where to Find Us
Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN: 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.