Latest News

Side by Side by Sondheim
Get ready to laugh, cry and fall in love with lyrics that are heartbreakingly true and music that captures the soaring emotions of a new generation...

Romeo and Juliet 27th September – 13th October 2018
Romeo and Juliet was first performed in 1594 and now 424 years later this timeless classic is still one of the most popular and performed works of...

Application to Direct in 2019
Limelight Submission 2019 It’s time again to be thinking about our seasons for next year 2019, and we encourage all new, experienced and...

Audition Notice – The Envelope Please
Auditions for "The Envelope Please" will be held on Saturday, September 8th at the theatre. Singers who wish to be soloists are required to sing one...

Notice of Annual General Meeting
Our next AGM will be held in April 2019, date TBA

Audition Notice – Caught in the Net
The sequel to “Run for your Wife” finds the bigamist, taxi driver John Smith, still keeping his two families in different parts of London, both...

Wanneroo Reps Annual Awards
Congratulations to the Award Winners!The Perpetual Awards Went To:Adjudicators Certificates were received by:Robert Usaraga for amazing set design...

Spotlight on Kathleen Del Casale
Each month we like to spotlight one of the members of the Limelight Theatre community. This month, meet one of our newer members, Amy Sales, who...

AGM – Positions vacant
Vice President 2 year appointment Secretary 1 year appointment Treasurer 2 year appointment 5 committee members to fill the one year...

Ticketing Policy updated
Please note that our ticketing policy regarding exchanges and refunds has been updated, in line with the Live Performance Australia...

New Rules of Association have come into effect
The WA Government recently passed new legislation which meant that incorporated organisations such as ours needed to adopt new Rules of Association...

Limelight Awards Night!
Our Awards Night, celebrating the productions of 2017, will be at the Wanneroo Sports & Social Club on Saturday 17th February starting at 7pm....
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Where to Find Us
Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN: 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.